Veterinary Exam

Book your pet's next wellness exam to keep them happy and healthy.

Scheduling regular visits to our veterinary clinic allows us to modify your pet’s wellness plan as their health changes overtime. Pets age at a much faster rate than we do in a human year. The frequency of your pet’s veterinary exams will depend on their age and overall health but it is highly recommended we see your pet at least once a year.

What is a veterinary exam?

A veterinary exam isn’t just a physical exam. It’s an opportunity for our veterinary team to assess your pet’s overall wellness. It’s similar to the annual checkup we have with our doctors. The goal of the appointment is to identify ways we can better support your pet’s overall health and provide any information you need to help care for them. It also gives us a baseline for their own unique bodies and tendencies. Regular wellness exams also make your pet more familiar with our veterinary hospital, which makes future visits easier on them and you. Puppies and kittens should see us monthly, while adult pets should schedule yearly appointments. Senior pets should have a veterinary exam at least twice a year.

What happens during the visit?

We’ll do a physical exam to assess your pet’s appearance, heart rate and breathing. We’ll check things like their agility, weight, eyes, ears and skin. We also recommend your pet do bloodwork to assess their internal organs and systems to ensure everything is working well. Bloodwork is done at our in-house laboratory, which means quick and efficient results. Diagnostic testing also helps us to detect diseases early, which increases our ability to effectively treat them. In addition, routine procedures like vaccinations, updating their parasite protection plan and dental care could also be done. If you have questions about their upcoming visit, please contact us at 403-938-4171.

Should I bring anything to their appointment?

Our veterinary team will provide guidelines on any specific things you need to bring to your furry family member’s appointment. Some questions we might ask you about your pet includes:

  • Feeding schedule
  • Bathroom habits
  • Pet food brands
  • Grooming habits
  • Activity level
  • Temperament
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