Nutrition Counselling

Helping you choose the best foods for your pet's dietary needs.

Our veterinary team offers nutritional counselling to help pet owners support their furry friend’s nutrition needs. Pet owner education is an important part of our practice. We want to empower you with the best nutrition information to take care of your furry family member as best as possible. If you’re interested in creating a nutrition plan for your pet, please contact us at 403-938-4171.

Is obesity common in pets?

Obesity is more common in pets these days and causes a range of health issues, like diabetes, arthritis and heart conditions. As your pet ages, these health conditions can worsen. Don’t blame yourself for your pet’s weight issues. It can be easy to overfeed them, especially if your furry friend begs for more food regularly. With the help of a proper diet and exercise, your pet will be able to meet their dietary needs and be within a healthy weight range.

How does nutrition counselling work?

Nutrition counselling allows you to ask questions about your pet’s nutrition and receive expert veterinary advice about the best foods to support their dietary needs. Your pet’s lifestyle, weight, breed and overall health will determine the type of nutrition plan we create for them. Each plan is unique to your pet’s individual needs and will take into consideration any questions or concerns you have. The plan will not only include the quantity of food your pet should be eating but also tips to help regulate their eating.

Is it like a diet for pets?

The goal of nutrition counselling isn’t only weight loss but finding ways to support healthy dietary habits. Your pet’s nutritional needs will change as they enter different stages of their lives. Their nutrition plan will change with them, so our veterinary team will check in to assess it over time. The best way to make sure your pet’s needs are being met is to consult with us about a diet made specifically for them and their lifestyle.

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