Dental Care

Regular brushing and routine cleanings can help prevent gum disease. Contact us for more details.

Dental care plays an important role in your pet’s overall health. In addition to regular professional cleanings by our team, ensuring you’re helping your pet practice good oral hygiene at home is key. If you’re interested in booking a dental appointment for your pet, please contact us at 403-938-4171.

How can I improve my pet’s dental hygiene?

In addition to booking regular dental care appointments with our veterinary team, there are a lot of different ways you can improve your pet’s dental hygiene. For example, home brushing should be incorporated in your pet’s daily routine. Focus on brushing your pet’s outer teeth, since the inner ones can be difficult to reach and painful for them. Try your best to brush their teeth as often as possible, working your way towards daily brushing. There are special toothbrushes and toothpastes designed for pets that we can recommend. Other things you can do are giving them dental chews and regularly inspecting their mouths.

What should I be looking for when inspecting my pet’s mouth?

Dental disease can be harmful to your pet, creating issues in their mouth, which can spread to other vital organs once the infection enters the bloodstream. A few signs you can look out for include:

  • Brown/yellow teeth
  • Bad breath
  • Mouth sensitivity
  • Whimpering or whining
  • Difficulty chewing
  • Loss of appetite

How do I protect my pet against dental disease?

The most effective way to protect your pet from dental disease is with professional cleanings. We perform thorough cleanings, including the area beneath the gums that you can’t see or access at home. Dental disease happens when a combination of bacteria and plaque build up overtime on the surface of your pet’s teeth and migrate below the gumline. Once trapped under the gumline, it can create issues like tooth decay and erode your pet’s gums. The earlier we detect possible signs of dental disease, the more effectively we can treat it.

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